Document Summaries and Chat
Document Summaries &

3-5 sentence auto-generated summaries for each document
Conversational document Q&A with citations

Group Permissions Management
Granular Permissions &
New User Defaults

Per-User (or group) / Per-file permissions
Hide, view only, download, and edit
Copy permissions between groups
Set default permissions schema to apply to new users
Verify correct permissions with a full audit

Document Summaries and Chat
Secure Sharable Links &
Index Numbers

Every folder/file includes a unique URL-link
1-click links to embed in Q&A and request links
Respects user permission settings
Per file / folder index numbers
Manually re-index or drag/drop to reorganize

Group Permissions Management
Audit trail, Reporting &

Table of contents report
Track recent activity
Top views and downloads
Audit every action for users and groups
Track user, permission, and file changes

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Unlimited Rooms
Unlimited Rooms
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Users
Limited Storage
Unlimited Storage
Archives W/Upgrade
Unlimited Archives
No Granular Permissions
Per User Granular Permissions

Made by Bankers for Bankers. No Fluff.

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